From Deep Mixtures to Deep Quantiles - Part 3 - 2019-05-18
In which we struggle to come up with acronyms, and end up with DQQRNs
Least squares regression is taught early on in every science course. The mean squared error (MSE) arises naturally from minimizing the negative-log-likelihood under an assumed Gaussian distribution of outcomes - a special case of the Gaussian mixture density with $m=1$ components (and $\sigma=\textrm{const}$). Less frequently, however, engineers, statisticians, and other like-minded individuals need regression models less sensitive to outlier - and replace MSE with the mean absolute error (MAE). Statistically speaking, minimizing the MSE allows us to learn the (conditional) mean of our data, while minimizing the MAE results in the median. The median estimate is empirical and does not rely on assumptions about the underlying distribution. The median is a special quantile - can we generalize our MAE loss function to learn other quantiles in a similar way?
In this post, we introduce the Quantile Loss and use Deep Quantile Regression to get an alternative view on the uncertainty in the target variable - and also propose some (to my knowledge) new approaches as an unfinished experiment for the curious reader.